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Release Engineering

Minor Version Bumps

Address Pinned Dependencies

Check requirements.txt for any dependencies pinned to a specific version, upgrade them to their most stable release (where possible).

Update Static Libraries

Update the following static libraries to their most recent stable release:

  • Bootstrap 4
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Select2
  • jQuery

All Releases

Update Requirements

Every release should refresh requirements.txt so that it lists the most recent stable release of each package. To do this:

  1. Create a new virtual environment
  2. Install the latest version of all required packages pip install -U -r requirements.txt
  3. Run all tests and check that the UI and API function as expected
  4. Review each requirement's release notes for any breaking or otherwise noteworthy changes
  5. Update the package versions in requirements.txt as appropriate.

In cases where upgrading a dependency to its most recent release is breaking, it should be pinned to its current minor version in requirements.txt (with an explanatory comment) and revisited for the next major release.

Verify CI Build Status

Ensure that continuous integration testing on the main branch is completing successfully.

Update Version and Changelog

  • Update the VERSION constant in to the new release version.
  • List all changes of the version inside making sections for important features and changes.

Commit these changes to the main branch.

Create a New Release

Draft a new release with the following parameters.

  • Tag: Current version (e.g. v2.4.4)
  • Target: main
  • Title: Version and nickname (e.g. Version 1.4.4 | MARK I)

Copy the description from the pull request to the release.

Update the Development Version

On the main branch, update VERSION in to point to the next release. For example, if you just released v1.4.4, set:

VERSION = "v1.4.5-dev"