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Security & Authentication Parameters


Default: True

Use the X-Forwarded-Host header in preference to the Host header. This should only be enabled if a proxy which sets this header is in use.


Default: ("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "https")

Parse defined header to let Django know that HTTPS is being used. This way e.g. generated API URLs will have the corresponding https:// prefix.

Use SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "https") to check for https value in X-Forwarded-Proto header.


Default: False

If True, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests will be accepted from all origins. If False, a whitelist will be used (see below).



These settings specify a list of origins that are authorized to make cross-site API requests. Use CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST to define a list of exact hostnames, or CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX_WHITELIST to define a set of regular expressions. (These settings have no effect if CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL is True). For example:


Default: csrftoken

The name of the cookie to use for the cross-site request forgery (CSRF) authentication token. See the Django documentation for more detail.

Default: False

If true, the cookie employed for cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection will be marked as secure, meaning that it can only be sent across an HTTPS connection.


Default: []

Defines a list of trusted origins for unsafe (e.g. POST) requests. This is a pass-through to Django's CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting. Note that each host listed must specify a scheme (e.g. http:// or https://).



Default: False

If true, the lifetime of a user's authentication session will be automatically reset upon each valid request. For example, if LOGIN_TIMEOUT is configured to 14 days (the default), and a user whose session is due to expire in five days makes a Peering Manager request (with a valid session cookie), the session's lifetime will be reset to 14 days.

Note that enabling this setting causes Peering Manager to update a user's session in the database (or file, as configured per SESSION_FILE_PATH) with each request, which may introduce significant overhead in very active environments. It also permits an active user to remain authenticated to Peering Manager indefinitely.


Default: False

Setting this to True will permit only authenticated users to access any part of Peering Manager. By default, anonymous users are permitted to access most data in Peering Manager but not make any changes.


Default: 1209600 seconds (2 weeks, in seconds)

The lifetime (in seconds) of the authentication cookie issued to a Peering Manager user upon login. This setting is actually a wrapper around Django's SESSION_COOKIE_AGE

Default: sessionid

The name used for the session cookie. See the Django documentation for more detail.

Default: False

If true, the cookie employed for session authentication will be marked as secure, meaning that it can only be sent across an HTTPS connection.


Default: None

HTTP session data is used to track authenticated users when they access Peering Manager. By default, Peering Manager stores session data in its PostgreSQL database. Alternatively, a local file path may be specified here and Peering Manager will store session data as files instead of using the database. Note that the Peering Manager system user must have read and write permissions to this path.